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Vehicle Extended Service Contracts

Put the brakes on expensive car repairs. A factory warranty may not be enough. Plus most major repairs occur after the manufacturer's warranty expires. Consider adding a vehicle service agreement to your loan. Coverage obtained through the Credit Union may save you money when compared to dealer plans.

Available Features Include:

  • Low deductibles - options of $0, $100, or $250 available
  • Roadside assistance reimbursement
  • Car rental
  • Service contracts are valid in the U.S. and Canada
  • Reimbursed travel expenses
  • Increased vehicle resale value
  • Repair work may be performed by a dealership, franchise repair facility or an independent repair shop
  • No out of pocket expense
  • Optional money back guarantee

Why purchase a vehicle service agreement?

Did you know that 81% of credit union members who purchase a service contract will have at least one mechanical breakdown? Extended coverage can help you save money if your car ever needs to be repaired and your manufacturer's warranty has expired. In addition, it could help if you re-sell your vehicle. Pre-owned car buyers look more favorable upon a vehicle that comes with coverage. It represents a vehicle that has likely been well maintained by its owner. Should the buyer decline the option to purchase your coverage, you can cancel and apply for a pro-rated refund.

For more information click the link below or call a loan officer at 815-937-7447