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Loan Applications

Not a Member*?  Not a Problem!

If you are currently not a member* of CWCU you can still apply for a Loan.  Once approved you can become a member and gain access to all the benefits and savings CWCU has to offer!

Auto or Personal Loan Application

 online application button copy    Print Application button copy2  

VISA Application

online application button copy

Home Equity Application

Online Home Equity Loan Application   Printable Home Equity Loan Application Fillable PDF

Mortgage Application

 Online Mortgage Loan Application   Printable Mortgage Loan Application Fillable PDF


We have invested in VeriSign's secure server digital certificate to protect your data. Through the use of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, the standard for secure communications on the Web, your data is being sent to a secure database and is encrypted to protect your privacy.

* Membership Eligibility: Individuals must live or work in Kankakee, Ford, Iroquois, Grundy, Kendall, Livingston or Will counties.